Monday, August 26, 2013

The start of a new adventure

Hello, all! My name is Grace Webb and I just graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato. What's a Midwestern girl doing outside of Girona, Spain? Let me tell you... My church has supported Pedro and Vicky Adrover, two missionaries at L'Arcada, Spain, for some time. I've always been interested in helping out at the mission but wanted to make sure that's what God wanted, too--since His plans are a bit more important than mine! When I sent them an email asking for more information last year, they replied that they'd be in the Wisconsin neighborhood and could meet up to talk. That's too much of a "coincidence" for me, so I started pursuing the possibility of traveling to Spain to help at the mission. One thing led to another and suddenly I'd signed up for three months in Spain... and here I am! May God be glorified as I work with the Adrovers and other missionaries at L'Arcada to reach out to kids and families who come to our camp!